abstract const class util::Console
sys::Obj util::Console
Console provides utilities to interact with the terminal console. For Java this API is designed to use jline if installed. In browser JavaScript environments this APIs uses the JS debugging window.
- clear
abstract This clear()
Clear the console of all text if supported
- cur
static Console cur()
Get the default console for the virtual machine
- debug
abstract This debug(Obj? msg, Err? err := null)
Print a message to the console at the debug level
- err
abstract This err(Obj? msg, Err? err := null)
Print a message to the console at the error level
- group
abstract This group(Obj? msg, Bool collapsed := false)
Enter an indented group level in the console. The JS debug window can specify the group to default in a collapsed state (this flag is ignored in a standard terminal).
- groupEnd
abstract This groupEnd()
Exit an indented, collapsable group level
- height
abstract Int? height()
Number of lines that fit vertically in console or null if unknown
- info
abstract This info(Obj? msg, Err? err := null)
Print a message to the console at the informational level
- prompt
abstract Str? prompt(Str msg := "")
Prompt the user to enter a string from standard input. Return null if end of stream has been reached.
- promptPassword
abstract Str? promptPassword(Str msg := "")
Prompt the user to enter a password string from standard input with echo disabled. Return null if end of stream has been reached.
- table
Print tabular data to the console:
- List of list is two dimensional data where first row is header names
- List of items with an each method will create column per key
- List of items without each will map to a column of "val"
- Anything else will be table of one cell table
- warn
abstract This warn(Obj? msg, Err? err := null)
Print a message to the console at the warning level
- width
abstract Int? width()
Number of chars that fit horizontally in console or null if unknown
- wrap
static Console wrap(OutStream out)
Construct a console that wraps an output stream. The returned console instance is not thread safe.