const class sys::Err
sys::Obj sys::Err
Err is the base class of all exceptions.
- cause
Err? cause()
Get the underyling cause exception or null.
- make
new make(Str msg := "", Err? cause := null)
Construct with specified error message and optional root cause.
- msg
Str msg()
Get the string message passed to the contructor or empty string if a message is not available.
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
Return the qualified type name and optional message.
- trace
This trace(OutStream out := Env.cur().err(), [Str:Obj]? options := null)
Dump the stack trace of this exception to the specified output stream (or
by default). Return this.The options may be used to specify the format of the output:
- "indent": Int for initial number of indentation spaces
- "maxDepth": Int specifies how many methods in each
exception of chain to include. If unspecified the default is configured from the "errTraceMaxDepth" prop in etc/sys/config.props.
- traceToStr
Str traceToStr()
Dump the stack trace of this exception to a Str.