// Copyright (c) 2015, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 02 Jul 15 Matthew Giannini Creation
using compiler
class SourceMap
// Constructor
new make(JsCompilerSupport support)
this.support = support
this.c = support.compiler
// SourceMap
This add(Str text, Loc genLoc, Loc srcLoc, Str? name := null)
// map source
File? source := files.getOrAdd(srcLoc.file) |->File?| { findSource(srcLoc) }
if (source == null) return this
// add map field
fields.add(MapField(text, genLoc, srcLoc, name))
return this
private File? findSource(Loc loc)
c.srcFiles?.find { it.osPath == File.os(loc.file).osPath }
// Output
Void write(Int lineCount, OutStream out := Env.cur.out)
pod := support.pod.name
out.writeChars("\"version\": 3,\n")
out.writeChars("\"file\": \"${pod}.js\",\n")
out.writeChars("\"x_fan_linecount\": $lineCount,\n")
out.writeChars("\"sourceRoot\": \"/dev/${pod}/\",\n")
private Void writeSources(OutStream out)
// write sources
out.writeChars("\"sources\": [")
files.vals.each |file, i|
if (i > 0) out.writeChars(",")
if (file == null) out.writeChars("null")
else out.writeChars("\"${file.name}\"")
private Void writeMappings(OutStream out)
// map source index
srcIdx := [Str:Int][:]
files.keys.each |k, i| { srcIdx[k] = i }
out.writeChars("\"mappings\": \"")
prevFileIdx := 0
prevSrcLine := 0
prevSrcCol := 0
prevGenLine := 0
prevGenCol := 0
MapField? prevField
fields.each |MapField f, Int i|
fileIdx := srcIdx[f.srcLoc.file]
genLine := f.genLoc.line
genCol := f.genLoc.col
srcLine := f.srcLine
srcCol := f.srcCol
if (genLine < prevGenLine) throw Err("${f} is before line ${prevGenLine}")
// handle missing/blank lines
if (genLine != prevGenLine)
prevGenCol = 0
while (genLine != prevGenLine)
if (i > 0)
if (genCol <= prevGenCol) throw Err("${genCol} is before col ${prevGenCol}")
// calculate diffs
genColDiff := genCol - prevGenCol
fileDiff := fileIdx - prevFileIdx
srcLineDiff := srcLine - prevSrcLine
srcColDiff := srcCol - prevSrcCol
// write segment field
// update prev state
prevGenCol = genCol
prevFileIdx = fileIdx
prevSrcLine = srcLine
prevSrcCol = srcCol
// Pack
** Compile a list of pod JavaScript files into a single unified source
** map file. The list of files passed to this method should match
** exactly the list of files used to create the corresponding JavaScript
** FilePack. If the file is the standard pod JS file, then we will include
** an offset version of "{pod}.js.map" generated by the JavaScript compiler.
** Otherwise if the file is another JavaScript file (such as units.js) then
** we just add the appropiate offset.
** The 'sourceRoot' option may be passed in to replace "/dev/{podName}"
** as the root URI used to fetch source files from the server.
static Void pack(File[] files, OutStream out, [Str:Obj]? options := null)
// options
sourceRoot := options?.get("sourceRoot") as Str
// open compound source map file
.printLine("\"version\": 3,")
.printLine("\"sections\": [")
// process each file
curOffset := 0
files.each |file, i|
// check if file is within a pod
uri := file.uri
pod := uri.scheme == "fan" ? Pod.find(uri.host, false) : null
// check if this standard pod JS file
Str? json := null
if (pod != null && isPodJsFile(file))
// lookup sourcemap for the pod
sm := pod.file(`/${pod.name}.js.map`, false)
if (sm != null)
// read into memory
json = sm.readAllStr
// apply options
if (sourceRoot != null) json = setSourceRoot(json, sourceRoot+pod.name)
// read number of lines from JSON if we can, otherwise count them
// echo("-- $uri.name " + readNumLinesFromJson(json) + " ?= " + readNumLinesByCounting(file))
numLines := readNumLinesFromJson(json) ?: readNumLinesByCounting(file)
// if we have raw js file, then generate a synthetic sourcemap
if (json == null)
mappings := StrBuf().add("AAAA;")
buf := StrBuf()
"file": "core.js",
"sources": ["${file.name}"],
if (pod != null) buf.add("\"sourceRoot\": \"").add(sourceRoot ?: "/dev/").add(pod.name).add("/\",\n")
buf.add(Str<|"mappings": "AAAA;|>)
(numLines+1).times |x| { buf.add("AACA;") }
json = buf.toStr
// add offset section and insert original JSON
out.print(Str<|{"offset": {"line":|>)
.print(Str<|, "column":0}, "map":|>)
if (i+1 < files.size) out.printLine(",") // cannot have trailing comma
// advance curOffset
curOffset += numLines
// close file
** Return if the file is the standard compilerJs pod transpiled source
private static Bool isPodJsFile(File f)
f.uri.scheme == "fan" && f.uri.pathStr == "/${f.uri.host}.js"
** Try to parse "x_fan_linecount" key from JSON contents
private static Int? readNumLinesFromJson(Str? json)
r := findKeyValRange(json, Str<|"x_fan_linecount":|>)
if (r == null) return null
return json.getRange(r).toInt(10, false)
** Fallback is to read each line to determine line count
private static Int readNumLinesByCounting(File file)
num := 0
file.eachLine { ++num }
return num
** Set source root option
private static Str setSourceRoot(Str json, Str sourceRoot)
r := findKeyValRange(json, Str<|"sourceRoot":|>)
if (r == null) return json
return json[0..<r.start] + sourceRoot.toCode + json[r.end..-1]
** Find key value range from JSON using simple string search
private static Range? findKeyValRange(Str? json, Str key)
if (json == null) return null
keyi := json.index(key)
if (keyi == null) return null
start := keyi + key.size
if (json[start] == ' ') start++
comma := json.index(",", start+1)
if (comma == null) return null
return start ..< comma
// Fields
private JsCompilerSupport support
private Compiler c
private [Str:File?] files := [Str:File][:] { ordered = true }
private MapField[] fields := [,]
class MapField
new make(Str text, Loc genLoc, Loc srcLoc, Str? name)
this.text = text
this.genLoc = genLoc
this.srcLoc = srcLoc
this.name = name
** zero-indexed line from original source file
Int srcLine() { srcLoc.line - 1 }
** zero-indexed column from original source file
Int srcCol() { srcLoc.col - 1 }
override Str toStr()
$srcLine, $srcCol
$genLoc.line, $genLoc.col
Str fname()
i := srcLoc.file.indexr("/")
return srcLoc.file[i+1..-1]
Str text
Loc genLoc
Loc srcLoc
Str? name