// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   4 Jan 06  Brian Frank  Creation

** Slot represents a member field or method on a Type.
abstract const class Slot

// Management

  ** Find a Slot by its qualified name "pod::Type.slot".  If the slot
  ** doesn't exist and checked is false then return null, otherwise
  ** throw UnknownSlotErr.
  static Slot? find(Str qname, Bool checked := true)

  ** Convenience for '(Method)find(qname, checked)'
  static Method? findMethod(Str qname, Bool checked := true)

  ** Convenience for '(Field)find(qname, checked)'
  static Field? findField(Str qname, Bool checked := true)

  ** Convenience for 'findMethod(qname, checked).func'
  static Func? findFunc(Str qname, Bool checked := true)

// Constructor

  ** Internal constructor.
  internal new make()

// Naming

  ** Parent type which defines this slot.
  Type parent()

  ** Simple name of the slot such as "size".
  Str name()

  ** Qualified name such as "sys:Str.size".
  Str qname()

  ** Return true if this is an instance of Field.
  Bool isField()

  ** Return true if this is an instance of Method.
  Bool isMethod()

// Flags

  ** Return if slot is abstract (no implementation provided).
  Bool isAbstract()

  ** Return if slot is constant and thread safe.  A constant field
  ** is explicitly marked with the const modifier and guaranteed
  ** to always reference the same immutable object for the life of
  ** the VM.  A const method is guaranteed to not capture any
  ** state from its thread, and is safe to execute on other threads.
  ** The compiler marks methods as const based on the following
  ** analysis:
  **   - static methods are always automatically const
  **   - instance methods are never const
  **   - closures which don't capture any variables from their
  **     scope are automatically const
  **   - partial apply methods which only capture const variables
  **     from their scope are automatically const
  Bool isConst()

  ** Return if slot is constructor method.
  Bool isCtor()

  ** Return if slot has internal protection scope.
  Bool isInternal()

  ** Return if slot is native.
  Bool isNative()

  ** Return if slot is an override (of parent's virtual method).
  Bool isOverride()

  ** Return if slot has private protection scope.
  Bool isPrivate()

  ** Return if slot has protected protection scope.
  Bool isProtected()

  ** Return if slot has public protection scope.
  Bool isPublic()

  ** Return if slot is static (class based, rather than instance).
  Bool isStatic()

  ** Return if this slot was generated by the compiler.
  Bool isSynthetic()

  ** Return if slot is virtual (may be overridden in subclasses).
  Bool isVirtual()

// Facets

  ** Get the list of facets defined on this slot or return an empty
  ** list if no facets are defined. If looking up a facet by type, then
  ** use the `facet` method which will provide better performance.
  ** See [Facets Doc]`docLang::Facets` for details.
  Facet[] facets()

  ** Get a facet by its type.  If not found on this slot then
  ** return null or throw UnknownFacetErr based on check flag.
  ** See [Facets Doc]`docLang::Facets` for details.
  Facet? facet(Type type, Bool checked := true)

  ** Return if this type has the specified facet defined.
  Bool hasFacet(Type type)

// Documentation

  ** Return the raw fandoc for this slot or null if not available.
  Str? doc()

// Conversion

  ** Always return qname().
  override Str toStr()

  ** Return a string representation of the Fantom code signature.
  virtual Str signature()
