// Copyright (c) 2013, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   5 Jul 13  Brian Frank  Creation

** MulticastSocket extends UdpSocket to provide multicast capabilities.
class MulticastSocket : UdpSocket

  ** Make a new unbound multicast UDP socket.
  new make(SocketConfig config := SocketConfig.cur) : super(config) {}

  ** Default network interface for outgoing datagrams on this socket
  IpInterface interface
    get { getInterface }
    set { setInterface(it) }
  private native IpInterface getInterface()
  private native Void setInterface(IpInterface val)

  ** Default time to live for packets send on this socket.  Value must
  ** be between 0 and 255.  TTL of zero is only delivered locally.
  native Int timeToLive

  ** True to enable outgoing packets to be received by the local socket.
  native Bool loopbackMode

  ** Join a multicast group.  If interface parameter is null,
  ** then `interface` field is used.  Return this.
  native This joinGroup(IpAddr addr, Int? port := null, IpInterface? interface := null)

  ** Leave a multicast group.  If interface parameter is null,
  ** then `interface` field is used.  Return this.
  native This leaveGroup(IpAddr addr, Int? port := null, IpInterface? interface := null)
