class web::WebOutStream
sys::Obj sys::OutStream web::WebOutStream
WebOutStream provides methods for generating XML and XHTML content.
- a
This a(Uri href, Str? attrs := null)
Start a <a> tag.
- aEnd
This aEnd()
End a <a> tag.
- article
This article(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <article> tag.
- articleEnd
This articleEnd()
End a <article> tag.
- aside
This aside(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <aside> tag.
- asideEnd
This asideEnd()
End a <aside> tag.
- atom
This atom(Uri href, Str? attrs := null)
Write a complete <link> tag for an Atom feed resource.
- b
Start a <b> tag.
- bEnd
This bEnd()
End a <b> tag.
- body
Start a <body> tag.
- bodyEnd
This bodyEnd()
End a <body> tag.
- br
This br()
Write out a complete <br/> tag.
This button(Str? attrs := null)
Convenience for input("type='button'" + attrs).
- checkbox
This checkbox(Str? attrs := null)
Convenience for input("type='checkbox'" + attrs)
- code
Start a <code> tag.
- codeEnd
This codeEnd()
End a <code> tag.
- dd
Start a <dd> tag.
- ddEnd
This ddEnd()
End a <dd> tag.
- div
Start a <div> tag.
- divEnd
This divEnd()
End a <div> tag.
- dl
Start a <dl> tag.
- dlEnd
This dlEnd()
End a <dl> tag.
- docType
This docType()
Write the XHTML Strict DOCTYPE.
- docType5
This docType5()
Write the HTML5 DOCTYPE.
- dt
Start a <dt> tag.
- dtEnd
This dtEnd()
End a <dt> tag.
- em
Start a <em> tag.
- emEnd
This emEnd()
End a <em> tag.
- esc
to the stream as valid XML text. The special control characters amp, lt, apos and quot are always escaped. The gt char is escaped only if it is the first char or if preceeded by the]
char. Also seeStr.toXml
. If obj is null, then "null" is written. - favIcon
This favIcon(Uri href, Str? attrs := null)
Write a complete <link> tag for a favicon. You must specifiy the MIME type for your icon in the
argument:out.favIcon(`/fav.png`, "type='image/png'")
This footer(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <footer> tag.
This footerEnd()
End a <footer> tag.
- form
Start a <form> tag.
- formEnd
This formEnd()
End a <form> tag.
- h1
Start a <h1> tag.
- h1End
This h1End()
End a <h1> tag.
- h2
Start a <h2> tag.
- h2End
This h2End()
End a <h2> tag.
- h3
Start a <h3> tag.
- h3End
This h3End()
End a <h3> tag.
- h4
Start a <h4> tag.
- h4End
This h4End()
End a <h4> tag.
- h5
Start a <h5> tag.
- h5End
This h5End()
End a <h5> tag.
- h6
Start a <h6> tag.
- h6End
This h6End()
End a <h6> tag.
- head
This head()
Start a <head> tag.
- headEnd
This headEnd()
End a <head> tag.
- header
This header(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <header> tag.
- headerEnd
This headerEnd()
End a <header> tag.
This hidden(Str? attrs := null)
Convenience for input("type='hidden'" + attrs).
- hr
Write out a complete <hr/> tag.
- html
This html()
Start a <html> tag.
- htmlEnd
This htmlEnd()
End a <html> tag.
- i
Start a <i> tag.
- iEnd
This iEnd()
End a <i> tag.
- img
This img(Uri src, Str? attrs := null)
Write a complete <img> tag.
- includeCss
Write a complete <link> tag for an external CSS stylesheet. If this URI has already been included in this WebOutStream instance, then this method does nothing.
- includeJs
This includeJs(Uri? href := null)
Write a complete <script> tag for an external JavaScript file. If this URI has already been included in this WebOutStream instance, then this method does nothing.
- initJs
Customize how the JavaScript runtime environment is initialized. This method must be called inside the
tag, and also beforesys.js
is loaded in order to take effect.Note this method is not necessary if no customization is needed. The JS runtime will automatically initialize using default values.
The following variables are supported:
: set the default TimeZone for JsVMlocale
: set the default Locale for the JsVM. Note you must manually provide the locale config.props files. SeeFilePack.toLocaleJsFile
: an optional method to invoke after the page has been loaded. Themain
argument can be either a type or method. If no method is specified,main
is used. If the method is not static, a new instance of type is created:"foo::Instance" => Instance().main() "" => Instance().bar() "foo::Static" => Static.main() "" =>
- input
This input(Str? attrs := null)
Write a complete <input> tag.
- label
This label(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <label> tag.
- labelEnd
This labelEnd()
End a <label> tag.
- li
Start a <li> tag.
- liEnd
This liEnd()
End a <li> tag.
- main
Start a <main> tag.
- mainEnd
This mainEnd()
End a <main> tag.
- make
new make(OutStream out)
Construct a WebOutStream that wraps the given OutStream.
Start a <nav> tag.
This navEnd()
End a <nav> tag.
- nl
This nl()
Convenience for writeChar(
). - ol
Start a <ol> tag.
- olEnd
This olEnd()
End a <ol> tag.
- option
This option(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <option> tag.
- optionEnd
This optionEnd()
End a <option> tag.
- p
Start a <p> tag.
- pEnd
This pEnd()
End a <p> tag.
- password
This password(Str? attrs := null)
Convenience for input("type='password'" + attrs).
- pre
Start a <pre> tag.
- preEnd
This preEnd()
End a <pre> tag.
- prolog
This prolog()
Write out a prolog statement using the streams current charset encoding.
- radio
This radio(Str? attrs := null)
Convenience for input("type='radio'" + attrs)
- rss
This rss(Uri href, Str? attrs := null)
Write a complete <link> tag for a RSS feed resource.
- script
This script(Str? attrs := "type='text/javascript'")
Start a <script> tag.
- scriptEnd
This scriptEnd()
End a <script> tag.
- section
This section(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <section> tag.
- sectionEnd
This sectionEnd()
End a <section> tag.
- select
This select(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <select> tag.
- selectEnd
This selectEnd()
End a <select> tag.
- span
Start a <span> tag.
- spanEnd
This spanEnd()
End a <span> tag.
- style
This style(Str? attrs := "type='text/css'")
Start a <style> tag.
- styleEnd
This styleEnd()
End a <style> tag.
- submit
This submit(Str? attrs := null)
Convenience for input("type='submit'" + attrs).
- tab
Convenience for writeChars(Str.spaces(numSpaces)).
- table
This table(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <table> tag.
- tableEnd
This tableEnd()
End a <table> tag.
- tag
This tag(Str elemName, Str? attrs := null, Bool empty := false)
Write a start tag. Use attrs to fully specify the attributes manually. Use empty to optionally close this element without using an end tag.
- tagEnd
Write an end tag.
- tbody
This tbody(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <tbody> tag.
- tbodyEnd
This tbodyEnd()
End a <tbody> tag.
- td
Start a <td> tag.
- tdEnd
This tdEnd()
End a <td> tag.
- textArea
This textArea(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <textarea> tag.
- textAreaEnd
This textAreaEnd()
End a <textarea> tag.
- textField
This textField(Str? attrs := null)
Convenience for input("type='text'" + attrs).
- tfoot
This tfoot(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <tfoot> tag.
- tfootEnd
This tfootEnd()
End a <tfoot> tag.
- th
Start a <th> tag.
- thEnd
This thEnd()
End a <th> tag.
- thead
This thead(Str? attrs := null)
Start a <thead> tag.
- theadEnd
This theadEnd()
End a <thead> tag.
- title
This title(Str? attrs := null)
Write a complete <title> tag.
- titleEnd
This titleEnd()
End a <title> tag.
- tr
Start a <tr> tag.
- trEnd
This trEnd()
End a <tr> tag.
- ul
Start a <ul> tag.
- ulEnd
This ulEnd()
End a <ul> tag.
- w
Convenience for writeChars(obj.toStr).