const class util::FileLoc
sys::Obj util::FileLoc
FileLoc is a location within a text file or source string. It includes an optional one-base line number and column number. This class provides a standardized API for text based tools which need to report the line/column numbers of errors.
- col
const Int col
One based line column number or zero if unknown
- compare
virtual override Int compare(Obj that)
Comparison operator
- equals
virtual override Bool equals(Obj? that)
Equality operator
- file
const Str file
Filename location
- hash
virtual override Int hash()
Hash code
- inputs
const static FileLoc inputs := FileLoc.make("inputs", 0)
Constant for tool input location
- isUnknown
Bool isUnknown()
Is this the unknown location
- line
const Int line
One based line number or zero if unknown
- make
new make(Str file, Int line := 0, Int col := 0)
Constructor for filename string
- makeFile
static new makeFile(File file, Int line := 0, Int col := 0)
Constructor for file
- synthetic
const static FileLoc synthetic := FileLoc.make("synthetic", 0)
Constant for synthetic location
- toStr
virtual override Str toStr()
Return string representation as "file", "file(line)", or "file(line,col)". This is the standard format used by the Fantom compiler.
- unknown
const static FileLoc unknown := FileLoc.make("unknown", 0)
Constant for an unknown location