class util::BoolArray
sys::Obj util::BoolArray
Optimized fixed size array of booleans packed into words of 32-bits. The array values default to false.
- clear
This clear()
Set entire array to false
- copyFrom
Copy the booleans from
array into this array and return this. - eachTrue
Iterate each index set to true
- fill
This fill(Bool val, Range? range := null)
Fill this array with the given boolean value. If range is null then the entire array is filled, otherwise just the specified range. Return this.
- get
Get the boolean at the given index. Negative indices are not supported.
- getAndSet
Bool getAndSet(Int index, Bool val)
Set the value at given index and return the previous value.
- make
static new make(Int size)
Create a array of given size
- set
Void set(Int index, Bool val)Set the boolean at the given index. Negative indices are not supported.
- size
Int size()
Get number of booleans in the array