// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   11 Dec 05  Brian Frank  Creation

** Duration represents a relative duration of time with nanosecond precision.
** Also see [docLang]`docLang::DateTime`.
@Serializable { simple = true }
const final class Duration

// Construction

  ** Get the current value of the system timer.  This method returns
  ** a relative time unrelated to system or wall-clock time.  Typically
  ** it is the number of nanosecond ticks which have elapsed since system
  ** startup.
  static Duration now()

  ** Convenience for 'now.ticks'.
  static Int nowTicks()

  ** Create a Duration which represents the specified number of nanosecond ticks.
  static new make(Int ticks)

  ** Parse a Str into a Duration according to the Fantom
  ** [literal format]`docLang::Literals#duration`.
  ** If invalid format and checked is false return null,
  ** otherwise throw ParseErr.  The following suffixes
  ** are supported:
  **   ns:   nanoseconds  (x 1)
  **   ms:   milliseconds (x 1,000,000)
  **   sec:  seconds      (x 1,000,000,000)
  **   min:  minutes      (x 60,000,000,000)
  **   hr:   hours        (x 3,600,000,000,000)
  **   day:  days         (x 86,400,000,000,000)
  ** Examples:
  **   Duration.fromStr("4ns")
  **   Duration.fromStr("100ms")
  **   Duration.fromStr("-0.5hr")
  static new fromStr(Str s, Bool checked := true)

  ** Get the system timer at boot time of the Fantom VM.
  static Duration boot()

  ** Get the duration which has elapsed since the
  ** Fantom VM was booted which is 'now - boot'.
  static Duration uptime()

  ** Default value is 0ns.
  static const Duration defVal

  ** Min value is equivalent to 'make(Int.minVal)'.
  static const Duration minVal

  ** Max value is equivalent to 'make(Int.maxVal)'.
  static const Duration maxVal

  ** Private constructor.
  private new privateMake()

// Obj Overrides

  ** Return true if same number nanosecond ticks.
  override Bool equals(Obj? obj)

  ** Compare based on nanosecond ticks.
  override Int compare(Obj obj)

  ** Return ticks().
  override Int hash()

  ** Return string representation of the duration which is a valid
  ** duration literal format suitable for decoding via `fromStr`.
  override Str toStr()

// Methods

  ** Return number of nanosecond ticks.
  Int ticks()

  ** Negative of this.  Shortcut is -a.
  @Operator Duration negate()

  ** Multiply this with b.  Shortcut is a*b.
  @Operator Duration mult(Int b)

  ** Multiply this with b.  Shortcut is a*b.
  @Operator Duration multFloat(Float b)

  ** Divide this by b.  Shortcut is a/b.
  @Operator Duration div(Int b)

  ** Divide this by b.  Shortcut is a/b.
  @Operator Duration divFloat(Float b)

  ** Add this with b.  Shortcut is a+b.
  @Operator Duration plus(Duration b)

  ** Subtract b from this.  Shortcut is a-b.
  @Operator Duration minus(Duration b)

  ** Absolute value - if this is a negative duration,
  ** then return its positive value.
  Duration abs()

  ** Return the minimum duration between this and that.
  Duration min(Duration that)

  ** Return the maximum duration between this and that.
  Duration max(Duration that)

  ** Clamp this duration between the min and max.  If it's less than min then
  ** return min, if it's greater than max return max, otherwise return this
  ** duration itself.
  Duration clamp(Duration min, Duration max)

// Conversion

  ** Return a new Duration with this duration's nanosecond
  ** ticks truncated according to the specified accuracy.
  ** For example 'floor(1min)' will truncate this duration
  ** such that its seconds are 0.0.
  Duration floor(Duration accuracy)

  ** Get this duration in milliseconds.  Any fractional
  ** milliseconds are truncated with a loss of precision.
  Int toMillis()

  ** Get this duration in seconds.  Any fractional
  ** seconds are truncated with a loss of precision.
  Int toSec()

  ** Get this duration in minutes.  Any fractional
  ** minutes are truncated with a loss of precision.
  Int toMin()

  ** Get this duration in hours.  Any fractional
  ** hours are truncated with a loss of precision.
  Int toHour()

  ** Get this duration in 24 hour days.  Any fractional
  ** days are truncated with a loss of precision.
  Int toDay()

// Locale

  ** Return human friendly string representation.
  ** TODO: enhance this for pattern
  Str toLocale()

// Conversions

  ** Get this Duration as a Fantom code literal.
  Str toCode()

  ** Format this duration according to ISO 8601.  Also see `fromIso`.
  ** Examples:
  **   8ns.toIso             =>  PT0.000000008S
  **   100ms.toIso           =>  PT0.1S
  **   (-20sec).toIso        =>  -PT20S
  **   3.5min.toIso          =>  PT3M30S
  **   1day.toIso            =>  PT24H
  **   (1day+2hr+3min).toIso =>  P1DT2H3M
  Str toIso()

  ** Parse a duration according to ISO 8601.  If invalid format
  ** and checked is false return null, otherwise throw ParseErr.
  ** The following restrictions are enforced:
  **   - Cannot specify a 'Y' year or 'M' month component
  **     since it is ambiguous
  **   - Only the 'S' seconds component may include a fraction
  **   - Only nanosecond resolution is supported
  ** See `toIso` for example formats.
  static Duration fromIso(Str s, Bool checked := true)
