#! /usr/bin/env fan
// Copyright (c) 2021, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   29 Jun 21  Andy Frank  Creation

using dom
using util
using web
using webmod
using wisp

** JsHelloMain

class JsHelloMain : AbstractMain
  @Opt { help = "http port" }
  Int port := 8080

  override Int run()
    wisp := WispService
      it.httpPort = this.port
      it.root = JsHelloMod()
    return runServices([wisp])

** JsHelloMod

const class JsHelloMod : WebMod
  new make()
    pods  := ["sys"].map |n| { Pod.find(n) }
    files := File[,]
    this.jsPack = FilePack(files)

  override Void onGet()
    switch (req.modRel.path.first)
      case null:       onIndex
      case "hello.js": jsPack.onGet

  Void onIndex()
    res.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
    out := res.out
      .title.w("Hello World, from Fantom JS!").titleEnd
        "body {
           padding: 0.25em 2em;
           font: 16px -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif;
      .h1.w("Hello World, from Fantom JS!").h1End
      .p.w("Check your JavaScript console for <code>echo()</code> output").pEnd

  ** Normally your @Js code would exist in a pod, but since
  ** this is a Fantom script, we need to compile on the fly
  ** in order to get JS output to add to FilePack.
  private File compileScriptJs()
    src  := Env.cur.homeDir + `examples/js/hello.fan`
    js   := Env.cur.compileScriptToJs(src, ["podName":"hello"])
    temp := Env.cur.tempDir + `dom.js`
    return temp

  private const FilePack jsPack

** JsHello

@Js class JsHello
  static Void main()
    echo("Hello there! This is from JsHello!")