#! /usr/bin/env fan
// Copyright (c) 2011, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 12 Sep 11 Brian Frank Creation
using gfx
using fwt
** Clipboard illustrates use of the `fwt::Clipboard` API
class ClipboardDemo
Void main()
area := Text { multiLine = true; text = "Clipboard Example" }
copy := |Event e| { Desktop.clipboard.setText(area.text) }
paste := |Event e| { area.text = Desktop.clipboard.getText ?: "text not avail" }
title = "Clipboard Demo"
top = InsetPane
content = GridPane
it.numCols = 2
Button { text = "Copy"; onAction.add(copy) },
Button { text = "Paste"; onAction.add(paste) },
center = InsetPane { content = area }
size = Size(500,400)