// Copyright (c) 2009, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 9 Jul 09 Andy Frank Creation
using compiler
** JsWriter.
class JsWriter
// Construction
** Make for specified output stream
new make(OutStream out)
this.out = out
new makeSourceMap(OutStream out, SourceMap sourcemap)
this.out = out
this.sourcemap = sourcemap
// Methods
** Write and then return this. If loc is not null, the text will be
** added to the generated source map.
JsWriter w(Obj o, Loc? loc := null, Str? name := null)
if (needIndent)
spaces := indentation * 2
col += spaces
needIndent = false
str := o.toStr
if (str.containsChar('\n')) throw Err("w str with newline: ${str}")
if (loc != null)
sourcemap?.add(str, Loc(loc.file, line, col), loc, name)
col += str.size
return this
JsWriter sig(JsMethodParam[] pars)
pars.each |p,i|
if (i > 0) w(",")
return this
** Write newline and then return this.
public JsWriter nl()
col = 0
needIndent = true
return this
** Increment the indentation.
JsWriter indent()
return this
** Decrement the indentation.
JsWriter unindent()
if (indentation < 0) indentation = 0
return this
// Minify
** Write the minified content of the InSteam.
Void minify(InStream in)
inBlock := false
in.readAllLines.each |line|
// TODO: temp hack for inlining already minified js
if (line.size > 1024) { w(line).nl; return }
s := line
// line comments
if (s.size > 1 && (s[0] == '/' && s[1] == '/')) return
// need to check if inside str
// i := s.index("//")
// if (i != null) s = s[0..<i]
// block comments
temp := s
a := temp.index("/*")
if (a != null)
s = temp[0..<a]
inBlock = true
if (inBlock)
b := temp.index("*/")
if (b != null)
s = (a == null) ? temp[b+2..-1] : s + temp[b+2..-1]
inBlock = false
// trim and print
s = s.trimEnd
if (inBlock) return
if (s.size == 0) return
// Fields
private OutStream out
SourceMap? sourcemap
Int indentation := 0
Bool needIndent := false
Int line := 0
Int col := 0