// Copyright (c) 2010, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 5 May 10 Andy Frank Creation
using compiler
** JsProps
class JsProps : JsNode
new make(PodDef pod, File file, Uri uri, JsCompilerSupport s) : super(s)
this.pod = pod
this.file = file
this.uri = uri
override Void write(JsWriter out)
doWrite(pod.name, uri, file.in.readProps, out)
static Void writeProps(OutStream out, Pod pod, Uri uri, Duration maxAge)
props := Env.cur.props(pod, uri, maxAge)
if (!props.isEmpty) doWrite(pod.name, uri, props, JsWriter(out))
private static Void doWrite(Str pod, Uri uri, Str:Str props, JsWriter out)
key := "$pod:$uri"
out.w("with (fan.sys.Env.cur().\$props($key.toCode))").nl
props.each |v,k| { out.w("set($k.toCode,$v.toCode);").nl }
PodDef pod // pod container
File file // props file
Uri uri // relative uri to prop file