// Copyright (c) 2009, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   15 May 09  Brian Frank  Creation

** DslPlugin is the base class for Domain Specific Language plugins
** used to compile embedded DSLs.  Subclasses are registered on
** the anchor type's qname with the "compiler.dsl.{anchor}" indexed
** prop and must declare a constructor with a Compiler arg.
abstract class DslPlugin : CompilerSupport

// Factory

  ** Find a DSL plugin for the given anchor type.  If there
  ** is a problem then log an error and return null.
  static DslPlugin? find(CompilerSupport c, Loc loc, CType anchorType)
    // handle built-in ones to avoid index rebuild
    qname := anchorType.qname
    switch (qname)
      case "sys::Str": return StrDslPlugin(c.compiler)
      case "sys::Regex": return RegexDslPlugin(c.compiler)

    // lookup via indexed props
    t := Env.cur.index("compiler.dsl.${qname}")

    if (t.size > 1)
      c.err("Multiple DSL plugins registered for '$qname': $t", loc)
      return null

    if (t.size == 0)
      c.err("No DSL plugin is registered for '$qname'", loc)
      return null

      return Type.find(t.first).make([c.compiler])
    catch (Err e)
      c.errReport(CompilerErr("Cannot construct DSL plugin '$t.first'", loc, e))
      return null

// Construction

  ** Constructor with associated compiler.
  new make(Compiler c) : super(c) {}

// Namespace

  ** Compile DSL source into its Fantom equivalent expression.
  ** Log and throw compiler error if there is a problem.
  abstract Expr compile(DslExpr dsl)

// Utils

  ** Normalize the DSL source using Fantom's multi-line whitespace
  ** rules where no non-whitespace chars may be appear to the left
  ** of the opening "<|" token.  If source is formatted incorrectly
  ** then log and throw error.
  Str normalizeSrc(DslExpr dsl)
    // split the source lines, if single line just return it
    lines := dsl.src.splitLines
    if (lines.size == 1) return dsl.src

    // walk each line and normalize it
    s := StrBuf()
    for (i:=1; i<lines.size; ++i)
      line := lines[i]

      // iterate thru each character until we've consumed
      // matching number of leading tabs and spaces
      numTabs := dsl.leadingTabs
      numSpaces := dsl.leadingSpaces
      j := 0
      for (; j<line.size; ++j)
        ch := line[j]

        // consume leading tab or space
        if (ch == '\t' || ch == ' ')
          if (ch == '\t') --numTabs; else --numSpaces
          if (numTabs == 0 && numSpaces == 0) break

        // if we made here, that means we have a non-whitespace
        // char which is to the left of the opening "<|" token
        loc := Loc(dsl.srcLoc.file, dsl.srcLoc.line+i, j+1)
        if (dsl.leadingTabs == 0)
          throw err("Leading space in $dsl.anchorType.name DSL must be $dsl.leadingSpaces spaces", loc)
          throw err("Leading space in $dsl.anchorType.name DSL must be $dsl.leadingTabs tabs and $dsl.leadingSpaces spaces", loc)
      if (j < line.size) s.add(line[j+1..-1])
    return s.toStr
