// Copyright (c) 2006, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 15 Sep 05 Brian Frank Creation
// 2 Jun 06 Brian Frank Ported from Java to Fan
** CompilerLog manages logging compiler messages. The default
** writes everything to standard output.
class CompilerLog
// Construction
** Construct for specified output stream.
new make(OutStream out := Env.cur.out)
this.out = out
// Methods
** Is debug level enabled
Bool isDebug()
return level <= LogLevel.debug
** Indent the output.
Void indent()
** Unindent the output.
Void unindent()
if (indentation < 0) indentation = 0
** Log an error level message.
Void err(Str msg, Err? err := null)
log(LogRec(DateTime.now, LogLevel.err, "compiler", msg, err))
** Log a warn level message.
Void warn(Str msg, Err? err := null)
log(LogRec(DateTime.now, LogLevel.warn, "compiler", msg, err))
** Log an info level message.
Void info(Str msg, Err? err := null)
log(LogRec(DateTime.now, LogLevel.info, "compiler", msg, err))
** Log an debug level message.
Void debug(Str msg, Err? err := null)
log(LogRec(DateTime.now, LogLevel.debug, "compiler", msg, err))
** Generate a log entry. The log entry is only generated
** if the specified level is greater than or equal to
** the configured level field.
virtual Void log(LogRec rec)
if (rec.level < this.level) return
if (rec.level >= LogLevel.warn) print(rec.level.toStr.upper).print(": ")
else print(Str.spaces(indentation*2))
if (rec.err != null)
if (isDebug)
// CompilerErr
** Log a CompilerErr
virtual Void compilerErr(CompilerErr err)
if (err.level < this.level) return
loc := err.loc.toLocStr
if (err.isWarn)
printLine("$loc: WARN $err.msg")
printLine("$loc: $err.msg")
if (isDebug) err.trace(out)
// IO
** Print a string without trailing newline.
CompilerLog print(Obj? s)
return this
** Print a line.
CompilerLog printLine(Obj? s := "")
return this
// Fields
** Max severity of log entries to report
LogLevel level := LogLevel.info
** Current level of indentation
Int indentation := 0
** Sink for all output
OutStream? out := null