#402 .NET naming convention

andy Fri 21 Nov 2008

I need to pick the term we'll use to describe the .NET runtime in Fan code. So far, I've using Net for most things which I've never really liked. So I've been considering using the term Dotnet instead. Here's a few examples where it appears (or will appear):

// FFI
using [dotnet] System.Collections

// Methods specific to .NET runtime

// Build scripts with natives
class Build : BuildPod
  override Void setup()
    podName     = "inet"
    version     = globalVersion
    description = "IP networking"
    depends     = ["sys 1.0"]
    srcDirs     = [`fan/`, `test/`]
    javaDirs    = [`java/`]
    dotnetDirs  = [`dotnet/`]

I think for cases where only one letter should be used (like src/nfan) we should stick with using "N" since that seems to be the universal convetion (NUnit, NAnt, etc.)

Does anyone have a better suggestion, or does that make sense?

helium Fri 21 Nov 2008

I can only say that I like dotnet a lot better than just net.

jodastephen Fri 21 Nov 2008

The only other I can think of is dnet. Thats probably more confusing. Definitely wouldn't choose just net.

katox Fri 21 Nov 2008

dotnet sounds fine to me. I don't like dnet and net is the most confusing.

andy Wed 26 Nov 2008

Ok, this change has been made, and will be in the next build. Pretty much anywhere you saw net, you'll need to use dotnet now - though the only two places that should matter to most people is:

// .NET runtime is now 'dotnet'
fan --Dfan.runtime=dotnet -version

// Build scripts with natives
class Build : BuildPod
  override Void setup()
    podName     = "inet"
    version     = globalVersion
    description = "IP networking"
    depends     = ["sys 1.0"]
    srcDirs     = [`fan/`, `test/`]
    javaDirs    = [`java/`]
    dotnetDirs  = [`dotnet/`]

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