#2745 How big is Fantom?

Ilove:= Sun 9 Jun 2019

The more I using it, the more I think I know nothing about it. This pretty language first seen as small and minimalist but indeed it's vastness. I feel lost.

SlimerDude Tue 11 Jun 2019

Oh...kay... I'm not sure how I can help here...!?

The core library sys is indeed very concise; features like default method arguments really help keep the number of methods down. At the same time, closures and it-blocks help you be expressive in your code, opening up a lot of possibilities.

Fantom's history is rooted in the SkySpark technology stack and analytics for the building automation industry. As that industry grows, so does the number of Fantom developers.

But I myself use Fantom for kinds of web development.

Let me know if I can help you find your way!


Ilove:= Sun 16 Jun 2019

Nothing wrong with fan. I've some problems with the brain. Hope don't have to see the doctor :)

Ilove:= Mon 17 Jun 2019

Someday I will learn Xtend, Ceylon or might be Groovy. And more unlikely possible to create a new DSL language with Pascal or Fan syntax. That's my dream. But now go to the doctor, my brain is forgetful and right eye sight is very bad :(

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