Hi, I've spent a large part of this week battling with an obscure file upload bug on StackHub. A customer was receiving validation errors when submitting a form, but ONLY with one particular .pod file!?
I was able to finally pin-point it to WebUtil.parseMultiPart() (used in the multi-part form upload process) where the InStream for the File part was reading too much data and also consumed the next part!
The following failing test creates a multi-part form with x 2 parts. The final verify just checks that x 2 parts were read, but it fails because the 2nd part vanishes.
using web
class TestMultipartInStream : Test {
Void testMultipart() {
bound := "XXXXX"
buf := Buf()
out := buf.out
// GIVEN I have a MultiPart form with x2 parts
out.print("name: foo1\r\n") // Part1 = foo1
1023.times { out.write(0) } // 1023 is the MAGIC bad number!
out.print("name: foo2\r\n") // Part2 = foo2
// WHEN I parse it with WebUtil
names := Str[,]
WebUtil.parseMultiPart(buf.flip.in, bound) |headers, InStream in| {
in.readAllBuf // drain the part stream
// THEN I should have BOTH field values!
verifyEq(names, ["foo1", "foo2"])
// But...
// Test failed: [foo1] != [foo1, foo2] !!!
And here's a patch for a fix. There was a very specific edge case whereby should the final read of a part be exactly 1023 bytes - then the boundary prefix of \r\n gets missed resulting in the InStream also gobbling up the next part.
diff --git a/src/web/fan/WebUtil.fan b/src/web/fan/WebUtil.fan
index 9965a08..74c5649 100644
--- a/src/web/fan/WebUtil.fan
+++ b/src/web/fan/WebUtil.fan
@@ -750,6 +750,14 @@ internal class MultiPartInStream : InStream
if (c == '\n') break
+ // test boundary condition - make sure \r is available to read on next iteration
+ if (curLine.size == 1024 && curLine[-1] == '\r') {
+ in.unread(curLine[-1])
+ curLine.size = curLine.size - 1
+ curLine.seek(0)
+ return true
+ }
// if not a property \r\n newline then keep chugging
if (curLine.size < 2 || curLine[-2] != '\r') { curLine.seek(0); return true }
Have fun!
brianSun 12 May 2024
Thanks Steve. I reworked your fix to move that check into the read loop itself and added that test case and pushed a changeset.
SlimerDude Sat 11 May 2024
Hi, I've spent a large part of this week battling with an obscure file upload bug on StackHub. A customer was receiving validation errors when submitting a form, but ONLY with one particular .pod file!?
I was able to finally pin-point it to
(used in the multi-part form upload process) where theInStream
for the File part was reading too much data and also consumed the next part!The following failing test creates a multi-part form with x 2 parts. The final verify just checks that x 2 parts were read, but it fails because the 2nd part vanishes.
And here's a patch for a fix. There was a very specific edge case whereby should the final read of a part be exactly 1023 bytes - then the boundary prefix of
gets missed resulting in theInStream
also gobbling up the next part.Have fun!
brian Sun 12 May 2024
Thanks Steve. I reworked your fix to move that check into the read loop itself and added that test case and pushed a changeset.