#2809 JS: Depend.equals()

SlimerDude Thu 23 Jul 2020

Depend.equals() in JS throws the following:

TypeError: this.toStr(...).equals is not a function (Unknown:Unknown)

It just requires a small change from:

fan.sys.Depend.prototype.equals = function(obj)
  if (obj instanceof fan.sys.Depend)
    return this.toStr().equals(obj.toStr());
    return false;


fan.sys.Depend.prototype.equals = function(obj)
  if (obj instanceof fan.sys.Depend)
    return this.toStr() == obj.toStr();
    return false;

testSys::DependTest and testSys::SerializationTest.testSimples should then pass.

matthew Mon 27 Jul 2020

Ticket promoted to #2809 and assigned to matthew

matthew Mon 27 Jul 2020

Ticket resolved in 1.0.75

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