// Copyright (c) 2008, Brian Frank and Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   10 Jun 08  Brian Frank  Creation

using gfx

// TODO:
// Widgets:
//   - ScrollPane
// Eventing
//   - focus management
// Graphics:
//   - affine transformations

** Widget is the base class for all UI widgets.
** See [pod doc]`pod-doc#widgets` for details.
abstract class Widget

// Construction

  ** Internal constructor: subclass `Canvas` or `Pane`.
  internal new make() {}

// State

  ** Enabled is used to control whether this widget can
  ** accept user input.  Disabled controls are "grayed out".
  native Bool enabled

  ** Controls whether this widget is visible or hidden.
  native Bool visible

  ** Mouse cursor to use when the mouse passes over the control.
  ** If not specified cursor of the parent control will appear.
  native Cursor? cursor

  ** Meta-data that can be used by `Pane` for layout.
  Obj? layout := null

// Eventing

  ** Callback for key pressed event on this widget.  To cease propagation
  ** and processing of the event, then [consume]`Event.consume` it.
  ** Event id fired:
  **   - `EventId.keyDown`
  ** Event fields:
  **   - `Event.keyChar`: unicode character represented by key event
  **   - `Event.key`: key code including the modifiers
  once EventListeners onKeyDown()
    EventListeners() { onModify = |->| { checkKeyListeners } }

  internal native Void checkKeyListeners()

  ** Callback for key released events on this widget.  To cease propagation
  ** and processing of the event, then [consume]`Event.consume` it.
  ** Event id fired:
  **   - `EventId.keyUp`
  ** Event fields:
  **   - `Event.keyChar`: unicode character represented by key event
  **   - `Event.key`: key code including the modifiers
  once EventListeners onKeyUp()
    EventListeners() { onModify = |->| { checkKeyListeners } }

  ** Callback for mouse button pressed event on this widget.
  ** Event id fired:
  **   - `EventId.mouseDown`
  ** Event fields:
  **   - `Event.pos`: coordinate of mouse
  **   - `Event.count`: number of clicks
  **   - `Event.key`: key modifiers
  once EventListeners onMouseDown() { EventListeners() }

  ** Callback for mouse button released event on this widget.
  ** Event id fired:
  **   - `EventId.mouseUp`
  ** Event fields:
  **   - `Event.pos`: coordinate of mouse
  **   - `Event.count`: number of clicks
  **   - `Event.key`: key modifiers
  once EventListeners onMouseUp() { EventListeners() }

  ** Callback when mouse enters this widget's bounds.
  ** Event id fired:
  **   - `EventId.mouseEnter`
  ** Event fields:
  **   - `Event.pos`: coordinate of mouse
  once EventListeners onMouseEnter() { EventListeners() }

  ** Callback when mouse exits this widget's bounds.
  ** Event id fired:
  **   - `EventId.mouseExit`
  ** Event fields:
  **   - `Event.pos`: coordinate of mouse
  once EventListeners onMouseExit() { EventListeners() }

  ** Callback when mouse hovers for a moment over this widget.
  ** Event id fired:
  **   - `EventId.mouseHover`
  ** Event fields:
  **   - `Event.pos`: coordinate of mouse
  once EventListeners onMouseHover() { EventListeners() }

  ** Callback when mouse moves over this widget.
  ** Event id fired:
  **   - `EventId.mouseMove`
  ** Event fields:
  **   - `Event.pos`: coordinate of mouse
  once EventListeners onMouseMove() { EventListeners() }

  ** Callback when mouse wheel is scrolled and this widget has focus.
  ** Event id fired:
  **   - `EventId.mouseWheel`
  ** Event fields:
  **   - `Event.pos`: coordinate of mouse
  **   - `Event.count`: positive or negative number of scroll
  once EventListeners onMouseWheel() { EventListeners() }

  ** Callback for focus gained event on this widget.
  ** Event id fired:
  **   - `EventId.focus`
  ** Event fields:
  **   - none
  once EventListeners onFocus()
    EventListeners() { onModify = |->| { checkFocusListeners } }

  internal native Void checkFocusListeners()

  ** Callback for focus lost event on this widget.
  ** Event id fired:
  **   - `EventId.blur`
  ** Event fields:
  **   - none
  once EventListeners onBlur()
    EventListeners() { onModify = |->| { checkFocusListeners } }

// Focus

  ** Return if this widget is the focused widget which
  ** is currently receiving all keyboard input.
  native Bool hasFocus()

  ** Attempt for this widget to take the keyboard focus.
  native Void focus()

// Bounds

  ** Position of this widget relative to its parent.
  ** If this a window, this is the position on the screen.
  native Point pos

  ** Size of this widget.
  native Size size

  ** Position and size of this widget relative to its parent.
  ** If this a window, this is the position on the screen.
  Rect bounds
    get { return Rect.makePosSize(pos, size) }
    set { pos = it.pos; size = it.size }

  ** Get the position of this widget relative to the window.
  ** If not on mounted on the screen then return null.
  native Point? posOnWindow()

  ** Get the position of this widget on the screen coordinate's
  ** system.  If not on mounted on the screen then return null.
  native Point? posOnDisplay()

// Widget Tree

  ** Get this widget's parent or null if not mounted.
  @Transient Widget? parent { private set }
  internal Void setParent(Widget p) { parent = p } // for Window.make

  ** Get this widget's parent window or null if not
  ** mounted under a Window widget.
  Window? window()
    Widget? x := this
    while (x != null)
      if (x is Window) return (Window)x
      x = x.parent
    return null

  ** Iterate the children widgets.
  Void each(|Widget w, Int i| f)

  ** Get the children widgets.
  Widget[] children() { return kids.ro }

  ** Add a child widget.  If child is null, then do nothing.
  ** If child is already parented throw ArgErr.  Return this.
  @Operator virtual This add(Widget? child)
    if (child == null) return this
    if (child.parent != null)
      throw ArgErr("Child already parented: $child")
    child.parent = this
    try { child.attach } catch (Err e) { e.trace }
    return this

  ** Add all widgets in list by calling `add` on each widget.
  ** Return this.
  virtual This addAll(Widget?[] children)
    children.each |kid| { add(kid) }
    return this

  ** Insert child index at given index.  If child is already
  ** parented throw ArgErr.  Returns this.
  @NoDoc virtual This insert(Int index, Widget child)
    if (child.parent != null)
      throw ArgErr("Child already parented: $child")
    child.parent = this
    kids.insert(index, child)
    try { child.attach } catch (Err e) { e.trace }
    return this

  ** Insert all widgets in list by calling `index` on each
  ** widget.  Returns this.
  @NoDoc virtual This insertAll(Int index, Widget[] children)
    children.each |kid,i| { insert(index+i, kid) }
    return this

  ** Remove a child widget.  If child is null, then do
  ** nothing.  If this widget is not the child's current
  ** parent throw ArgErr.  Return this.
  virtual This remove(Widget? child)
    if (child == null) return this
    try { child.detach } catch (Err e) { e.trace }
    if (kids.removeSame(child) == null)
      throw ArgErr("not my child: $child")
    child.parent = null
    return this

  ** Remove all child widgets.  Return this.
  virtual This removeAll()
    kids.dup.each |Widget kid| { remove(kid) }
    return this

// Layout

  ** Relayout this widget.  This method is called when something
  ** has changed and we need to recompute the layout of this
  ** widget's children.  Return this.
  native This relayout()

  ** Set this widget's size to its preferred size.  Return this.
  native This pack()

  ** Compute the preferred size of this widget.  The hints indicate
  ** constraints the widget should consider in its calculations.
  ** If no constraints are known for width, then 'hints.w' will be
  ** null.  If no constraints are known for height, then 'hints.h'
  ** will be null.
  virtual native Size prefSize(Hints hints := Hints.defVal)

// Painting

  ** Repaint this widget.  If the dirty rectangle is null,
  ** then the whole widget is repainted.
  native Void repaint(Rect? dirty := null)

// Peer

  ** Is this widget attached to a native peer?
  internal native Bool attached()

  ** Attach to a native peer
  private native Void attach()

  ** Detach from native peer
  private native Void detach()

// Private

  internal Widget[] kids := Widget[,]
